Why Choose us ?
So a big question lies as to why chose us, so here's the answer
Since buying a house or land is probably the biggest investment that you will make, it's best to be cautious while conducting transactions because a loss could leave you financially crippled for life. For instance, if you buy property and find out that it is mired in legal dispute, you will not be able to get it registered in your name. To avoid such hassles, your best bet is to get a lawyer to conduct a background check on the property you plan to buy. Apart from handling the documentation , a lawyer would also conduct due diligence on the status of property, as well as advise you on the fee that you are mandatorily required to pay, besides the illegal fee that is being charged by a broker or buyer.Importance of proper documentation scrutiny can not be neglected prior to entering any property deal. Proper documents in the favour of owner (seller) also needs to be cross checked from the registrar office, development authority and other sources. Before buying property, it is always advisable to appoint a good lawyer, expert in property matters to scrutinise the original title documents of the property proposed to be purchased. A clear title is also a prerequisite to get a loan or mortgage of any property.
For common people buying a property is generally “once in a life time” activity and realization of ones’ dreams, hence it’s imperative for the buyer to be vigilant against and alive to the threats and apprehensions inherent to it. For peaceful possession and absolute enjoyment of the property purchased, it must be ensured that it is fit and appropriate and the process adopted for purchase is as prescribed under law.
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